Stableford Capital Insights
What Connection is there between Stableford Financial Services Leadership and Scouts of America?

Nathan Faldmo, as a young Eagle Scout[/caption]Perseverance, discipline, motivation, and accountability are four values highly regarded by Stableford Capital financial services leadership, as well as an Eagle Scout.As the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America, an esteemed Eagle Scout uses these values to lay a strong foundation that the national organization believes helps to build character and resilience while becoming a leader in the community. In fact, the foundation of values is so strong and widespread that Nobel Prize winners, Medal of Honor recipients, astronauts and public office officials were all once Eagle Scouts.In support of these values, Stableford Capital was honored to sponsor a recent awards ceremony for leaders of the Boy Scouts of America, Agave District. Not only was this a special evening for these men and women, but also for a key member of Stableford leadership, Nathan Faldmo, who is an Eagle Scout himself.
Financial Services Leadership Sponsors Award Dinner
Nathan Faldmo, Director of Advisory Services at Stableford Capital, emceed the event, which made him reflect on when he was a 14-year-old and had just received his Eagle Scout award.He believes the rank positively impacted his youth, challenging him to do new things and stay disciplined. These qualities propelled him into his career, remaining with him - and growing stronger - even today.[caption id="attachment_2529" align="aligncenter" width="656"]

Nathan Faldmo, Stableford Capital Director of Advisory Services emceeing the Scouts of America award ceremony[/caption]
“I was honored to be in charge of and emcee the awards ceremony for the leaders of The Agave District,” Faldmo says. “These men and women give so much time and energy to the youth, and it is great for them to have a moment of recognition. Not a single one of them asked for an award. It was all based on nomination and merit. All of them were humbled to receive it.”
Community Service that Builds Leaders

The Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America. Only 4 percent - 2.5 million to date - of Boy Scouts are granted this prestigious rank after a lengthy process that takes years to fulfill.To earn the rank, they must demonstrate Scout Spirit - an attitude based on the Scout Oath and Law - service and leadership, in addition to completing an extensive service project that showcases these core ideals. On his journey to Eagle Scout, a young man must:
- Serve a minimum of six months in a leadership position.
- Earn 21 Merit Badges, such as First Aid, Camping, Cooking and Communication.
- Camp for a minimum of 24 nights.
- Propose, plan and carry out an Eagle service project that is helpful to a religious institution, school or their community.
- Have a minimum of seven Scoutmaster conferences and five boards of review.
- Take part in a unit leader conference.
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Nathan Faldmo at Eagle Court with his dad[/caption]Many believe Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem.Eagle Scouts are more likely to be in a leadership position at their place of employment and work with others to improve their community.As a result, the organization and the path to earning the Eagle Scout rank has helped mold several prestigious leaders and figures in today’s society.Case in point, some notable Eagle Scouts include astronaut Neil Armstrong, Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg, former President Gerald R. Ford, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.Stableford’s Faldmo says it’s fun to witness the young men of The Agave District already demonstrating that they can be capable community leaders. He adds that programs like Boy Scouts of America can help young men become truly outstanding citizens.
Embracing Strong Values
The connection between Stableford Financial Services Leadership and Boy Scouts of America is that success stems from values.

Stableford Financial Services leadership, like Boy Scouts of America, values stewardship, performance and sustainability. This is our mission and guides our work each day.As such, Stableford Capital is a fiduciary, which means we are held to a higher standard. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.Our financial services leadership sets the bar high and serves as your problem solver. We are dedicated to working with you and holding ourselves accountable. From financial planning and tax services to estate planning and risk management, we are committed to maximizing the growth of your wealth while maintaining the highest degrees of honesty and integrity.To learn more about our values in action and commitment to being your partner in prosperity, contact Stableford today by calling 480.493.2300 or contact us online.