
Partnering with you to strengthen cybersecurity and protect your data

What Stableford Is Doing: Protecting Your Personal Information

Keeping your financial and personal information secure is a top priority at Stableford Capital. We work alongside cybersecurity experts to safeguard your accounts using multi-layered, best in class practices and procedures for both physical and online security.
  • Strong encryption through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Complex password requirements
  • Firewalls
  • Secure email
  • 24/7 account surveillance

Top Tier Security Measures

As an additional layer of protection, our cybersecurity practices and access grants are assessed on an ongoing basis and adjusted as needed. This helps ensure that the people who need access to privileged data have it, and those who no longer need access no longer have it.

Additionally, threats and security patches are monitored and managed in real time through a cloud-based compliance manager.

Data is secure and protected no matter what network our users work from. This is essential as more and more work is performed remotely, outside of a traditional central company network. And something Stableford had secured long before the COVID pandemic.

While we make every possible effort to block cyberattacks, including penetration testing, we are also prepared for any and all cyber events with a standalone cybersecurity insurance policy.

Protecting Against Wire Fraud

Stableford stays vigilant in our efforts to protect your transactions and we do so by continuing to partner with proven technology solutions.
The good news: wire fraud is preventable. Stableford retains the services of Conduit Security to proactively tackle the root of wire fraud through a three-prong approach:‍‍
  1. Codified best practices and procedures bult by CFOs and COOs that include internal controls – verification calls, team review, contact validation – plus both an online and paper trail of confirmations and signatures.
  2. Transparency, accountability, and repeatability, all monitored in real time, online, anywhere. A hyper diligent checklist is centralized and shared. Verbal confirmations are recorded and text alerts sent.
  3. Smart risk intelligence goes above and beyond by cross referencing routing and account numbers against a “naughty & nice” list. Processes are scaled to risk ($1K wire vs. $1M) and risk is scored by factors including up-to-date wiring instructions, transaction amount (i.e. unusual amounts), and holiday or Friday sends.

The Stableford Custodian

Working with the right custodian is an important part of the Stableford process. It is important that you have easy access along with a secure platform. With the increase in convenience that online activity provides, the risk of cybersecurity breaches also increases. We work closely with Fidelity to employ technology solutions that severely mitigate these risks.


A security code is sent via text or automated call when logging in or making sensitive transactions.

Money Transfer

Electronic money movement is blocked out of your accounts, protecting from unauthorized transfers

Security Text

Stay informed on your account activity through instant security alerts on your mobile number.

Fidelity Voice

Your identity can be verified through voiceprint on the phone or through a microphone-enabled device.
We hold the highest confidence in our security measures. By working with Fidelity, we also add the peace of mind of protection that is guaranteed. Fidelity reimburses any financial losses that were the direct result of unauthorized activity on your accounts.

The combination of the additional layers of protection that Stableford engages along with what Fidelity provides means that your data and assets have the highest levels of protection.

What You Should Be Doing: Securing Your Data at the Source

While your advisors and brokers take proactive steps to provide protection against cyber security breaches, it’s just as important for you to take steps in protecting your own data. The good news is that there are several low-pain, high-impact tools to stop cyber fraud in its tracks.
Follow these six strategies to reduce your risk and make yourself a difficult target for cyber criminals.

Manage your passwords.

Each website that requires log-in credentials should have a unique username and password. This includes financial provider websites, mobile provider web portals, and even social media sites.

To keep track of the different passwords, use a password manager. Or simply handwrite them on a sheet of paper and keep that in secure place.

Enable all available safeguards.

If you haven’t already, register for log-in credentials for your financial provider’s website (before someone uses your information to do it). You can put a block on your account if you don’t intend to use the online account.

If multi-factor authentication and/or voice biometrics are available, such as Fidelity’s MyVoice, enroll now. And activate any alerts that notify you of changes to your account or suspicious behavior.

Protect your email accounts.

Your password to access your email should be unique, unlike any other password you use to access other sites. For extra protection, enable multi-factor authentication and leverage security alerts that can let you know of any changes or suspicious behavior.

If you update your password and use an app to access your email, such as Outlook or Mail on a mobile phone or tablet, remember to also update your password in these applications.

Also avoid keeping sensitive data, such as account numbers, in your email folders.

Don’t neglect your mobile device and accounts.

As with every other web portal or app, make sure your username and passwords are unique to this account. Use multi-factor authentication and a PIN or pass-phrase. This helps prevent criminals from porting your phone to a new carrier or swapping out the SIM card. Also activate the PIN, lock function, or fingerprint based protection on the device itself.

And before trading in a device, reset it to the factory settings to erase all personal information.

Protect all devices – computer, tablet, mobile phone – from malicious threats.

To reduce the risk of ever-evolving malicious threats, keep your operating systems up to date. Install and activate anti-virus software on all devices. The simplest way to ensure these are up to date is to enable the auto-update feature.

Secure your social media accounts.

As with all other accounts mentioned, ensure your password to each social media account is unique and unlike any other password you use on any other site. Use multi-factor identification when available – just search the social media platform name with the phrase “twofactor authentication” for instructions on how to enable.

It’s also important to limit the sharing of personal details on social media across your household. This includes checking in to locations – especially while traveling – dates and amounts of charitable contributions, or even family history on genealogy sites.

You are your best advocate for keeping your data secure.

Also consider freezing your credit. This makes it more difficult for thieves to open new accounts in your name.If anything ever looks or feels off, for instance you suspect you’ve responded to a phishing email or your accounts are not adding up, stop all contact with anyone suspicious and report it immediately.
You are your best advocate for keeping your data secure.Follow these six strategies to reduce your risk and make yourself a difficult target for cyber criminals.

What We All Need to Do: Protect the Most Vulnerable

One of the fastest-growing areas of cyber fraud is the exploitation of seniors, particularly those with some form of diminished capacity/dementia. What’s most concerning is that perpetrators can be professional cybercriminals as well as individuals known to and even trusted by the victim, such as caretakers and extended relatives.

If you are managing financial accounts for an older loved one, especially after they have lost a spouse, extra vigilance is essential, as is keeping this a constant topic of discussion in financial or estate planning.

One way to keep this in check is to create oversight and accountability. Ideally, two trusted individuals should have access or insight into the financial activity of the senior(s). If you are monitoring the activity of a senior, follow the same strategies as outlined above on behalf of them.

AARP’s Fraud Watch Network is an excellent resource for staying apprised of common scams and to be alerted as new scams start circling.
If you suspect something, say something. Contact financial institutions, credit bureaus, and elder fraud experts immediately.

Only one in 44 cases of financial abuse is reported, often because the victims feel embarrassed or ashamed that they were scammed. Keep conversations open and empathetic to help protect your loved one’s legacy.

Wish There Was A Firm that Takes Your Security Seriously?

Now there is. Get in touch with Stableford, a partner that goes the extra mile to secure your information.