Stableford Capital Insights

How the Stableford Way Takes a Fiduciary First, Client Centric Approach

Stableford Capital is a registered investment advisor, and as such, a fiduciary. We take that responsibility very seriously and have made it part of our operating guidelines. Along with our integrated advisory services, this is how we put clients first in everything that we do and work to provide them with all financial services within our one firm.

Fiduciary and Clients First

“I can’t ever imagine doing anything any other way.” -Andy Brinkman, Stableford Capital FounderFirst, do no harm. This Hippocratic Oath is similar to our stance on putting a client’s best interests first.According to the Cornell Law Dictionary, fiduciary duty is the absolute “highest standard of care,” and a relatively new concept in the financial industry. “Fiduciary” didn’t come into play until 2016, when the Department of Labor released the Fiduciary Rule. Although the rule was vacated in 2018, the tide turned.

Reviewing Client Strategy for Stableford fiduciary blog

Since then, research has shown that almost half of Americans think that all financial advisors are legally bound to act in their clients’ best interests. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.Fiduciaries like Stableford first follow a thorough process to narrow in on their client's best interest. We are in constant communication with our clients, wanting to know about any potential life changes while watching markets and keeping financial goals at top of mind. When we make a recommendation, we talk through it with you. We want you to understand the situation and our rationale for the recommendation.

Integrated Investment Advisory Services

Integrated Advisory Services graphic

With the client-first mentality, Stableford Capital Founder Andy Brinkman has created a seamless productivity that removes the middleman often stuck between advisory services and portfolio management. In Integrated Advisory Services, we all talk to each other and work together on every client strategy.Similar to a family office, our integrated advisory approach brings together everything under one firm: advisory, tax and investment. We do everything in-house, calling on the expertise and collaboration of our leadership.

“We have a great group of like minds that think the same way,” says Andy Brinkman. “They want to do things, they want to… be part of a solution for folks, and that’s awful satisfying.”

People want to work with an investment advisor they trust. Because the Stableford Way is all about the client, we make it easy for clients to communicate with us and trust that we are working in their best interests. The more we understand about a client’s specific situation, the better we can advise and manage risk.To learn more and make your investments part of the Stableford Way, call 480.493.2300 or email us at

Nikki Sutcliffe
Nikki Sutcliffe is Stableford Capital’s Director of Advisory Services. Prior to joining Stableford, Nikki worked at Charles Schwab for five years where she was an investment advisor and most recently as a financial planner. She started her career as a portfolio manager at Girard Partners and worked there for seven years while helping to grow the firm. Nikki graduated from Penn State University with a B.S. in Finance and earned her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation in 2013.