Stableford Capital Makes It Easy to Compare Investment Performance with GIPS Compliance (Part 2)

Stableford Capital Makes It Easy to Compare Investment Performance with GIPS Compliance - Work team looking at graphics in paper - web

Investment firms like Stableford Capital pursue GIPS compliance to be able to provide accurate investment performance across the board. By claiming compliance with GIPS investors can better compare Stableford’s investment performance to other firms internationally.

Why It’s Wise to Choose a GIPS Compliant Investment Firm (Part 1)

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For investors, it can be difficult to know if an investment firm is presenting fair and accurate performance. GIPS compliant firms adhere to a global standard to measure performance and offer objective data that helps potential investors compare across markets, languages and processes. GIPS compliance aids in investment performance transparency.

Take Charge of Your Financial Health with a 2022 Financial To Do List 

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The start of a new year is the perfect time to evaluate your finances to see how you are doing in terms of spending, saving, investment performance, and long-term planning. To continue keeping your financial health in check, there are things you should keep up on throughout the year. We’ve created an easy to follow quarterly financial to do list to help you stay the course en route to your financial goals. 

What to Know about Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease

Legal and financial planning for Alzheimer’s can be a fraught and difficult task. But when you spot early signs of cognitive decline, you can give yourself a window to begin planning for the most expensive parts of care. Work with Stableford Capital to address some of the financial challenges of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

How to Protect Against Portfolio Drift

Advisor explaining financial plan to couple - how to find a financial advisor Stableford Capital blog

It’s necessary to rebalance investment portfolios from time to time to prevent portfolio drift, or the overgrowth of one section of investments, as a strategically managed portfolio has lower risk and higher gains over time. Work with Stableford Capital for portfolio asset management to help prevent portfolio drift.

How Does Behavioral Finance Affect the Psychology of Investing?

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Money mindset starts early in life, from parental models to media influence and advertising. This psychology of investing refers to financial habits and dictates how someone spends and saves money. Through behavioral finance, an advisor gains insight into these habits to better coach the investor on how to manage money responsibly to ultimately gain financial wellness.

Do the Tools or the Relationship Make a Good Financial Advisor

When it comes to automating tasks and gathering data, technology takes the lead. But when it comes to interpreting the data and comparing it with clients’ unique financial goals, human interaction is key. A good financial advisor combines both technology tools and personal relationships to give clients positive investment experiences and positive returns.

10 Asset Management Questions to Ask Before You Hire an Investment Firm

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While hiring an asset management firm can be a major undertaking there are a few points to narrow in on to find the right firm for you. Get to know the advisor and his or her experience. Make sure the interest is reciprocated. Is the advisor client-focused, responsive, and does he or she really listen? Then find out about the firm’s investment philosophy and how often your portfolio will be reviewed.
