Why It’s Wise to Choose a GIPS Compliant Investment Firm (Part 1)

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For investors, it can be difficult to know if an investment firm is presenting fair and accurate performance. GIPS compliant firms adhere to a global standard to measure performance and offer objective data that helps potential investors compare across markets, languages and processes. GIPS compliance aids in investment performance transparency.

Luck and Skill Investment Strategy When Picking Mutual Funds

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Picking mutual funds that seem to have great returns may not be such a great investment strategy, since it looks like sheer luck (and not skill) is the key factor when it comes to a fund’s performance. Instead, look for an investment strategy that protects your assets, and factors in the unique risks of the market right now.

Leadership Series: Why Developing Leadership is Critical to Business Growth

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In this first article in our leadership series, we look at why, and how to, develop leadership rather than hiring support staff. Leaders build the culture that they want to be in, and in turn that keeps employee turnover low. They also collaborate and challenge each other to improve efficiencies, leading to increased value for our clients.

How Disney Influences a Financial Investment Firm’s Approach to Service and Quality 

Financial Investment Firm advisor meeting with couple signing document holding a tablet - Stableford

Learn how Stableford Capital leaders create magic for clients by acting as a fiduciary. This means Stableford, a financial investment firm is ethically bound to act in clients’ best interests. Not only do they make decisions to maximize customer returns, they handle every aspect of clients’ trades and monitor all buying and selling transactions.

How Stableford Capital’s Diverse Culture Enhances Your Investment Experience

Nathan and Nikki Review Strategy with their years of investment experience

From certified financial planners to analysts, strategists, and advisors, Stableford staff utilizes their diverse backgrounds to create a unique culture. The integrated advisor approach takes the middleman out of communication, buys, and sells. This, on top of the various perspectives and institutional experience of each member of Stableford leadership, leads to a well-rounded and gratifying investment experience for clients.

How to Manage Your Family’s Wealth: Use Stableford as Your Family Office Partner

family office partner business presentation and strategy session Stableford blog

Both individuals and ultra high net worth families can benefit from utilizing Stableford Capital as a family office partner and CFO. Stableford Capital uses integrated advisory services to collaborate and maintain focus as your family office partner and private advisory firm.

Use a Family Office to Target Your Financial Goals

group doing strategic planning to determine the best family office - Stableford

What if one person or investment firm could handle all of your family’s finances and assets? Paying household employees, accounting for taxes, managing assets, planning for retirement and preparing for wealth transfer… all done for you with your best interests at top of mind. Ultra high net worth investors should consider a family office to aid in aligning financial interests while working towards a clear goal.

How to Find a Financial Advisor Who Meets Your Needs

Advisor explaining financial plan to couple - how to find a financial advisor Stableford Capital blog

If you’ve ever thought about saving for retirement, purchasing a business, funding a college education or when (and how) to file for social security, it might be time to find a financial advisor. It can be tough to find a financial advisor who understands your unique situation AND helps you work toward your goals. Learn how to sort through the top asset managers to find one right for you.
